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Rural Revitalization, Conservation, Forestry and Credit

Forest Emergency Recovery and Research Act

Time: 09:00am
Location: 328A Russell Senate Office Building

Audio replay of 2 hr, 30 min hearing

free audio software

Text of the legislation, H.R.4200, as referred from the House of Representativesis posted through the Library of Congress website, Thomas.

There is no video broadcast for this event.

Panel 1

Panel 2

Panel 3

  • John Helms, PhD

    Professor Emeritus of Forestry - University of California, Berkeley
    On behalf of the Society of American Foresters
  • Jim Karr, PhD

    Ecologist, Professor Emeritus
    University of Washington
  • Robert L. Krepps

    St. Louis County Land Commissioner
  • Leah W. MacSwords

    Director and State Forester - Kentucky Division of Forestry
    On behalf of the National Association of State Foresters