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Field Hearing

Regional Farm Bill Field Hearing: Cape Girardeau, Missouri

Time: 09:00am
Location: Cape Girardeau, Missouri

Cape Girardeau, Missouri

Campus of Southeast Missouri State University

Dempster Hall - Glenn Auditorium, Room 105

Listen to archived audio of this hearing.

There is no video broadcast for this event.

Panel 1

  • Allen Helms

    Representing the National Cotton Council
    Clarkedale, Arkansas
  • Paul T. Combs

    Representing the Missouri Rice Council, USA Rice Producers Group, USA Rice Federation, and US Rice Producers Association
  • Neal Bredehoeft

    Representing the American Soybean Association
  • Terry Hilgedick

    Representing the Missouri Corn Growers Association and Environmental Resources Coalition
  • Ron Beetsma

    Representing the National Grain Sorghum Producers
  • John Thaemert

    Representing the National Association of Wheat Growers

Panel 2

Panel 3