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CBO Confirms House Republican’s Farm Bill Uses Magic Math

WASHINGTON (Tuesday, June 18, 2024) – Senator Debbie Stabenow (D-MI), Chairwoman of the Senate Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry Committee, Tuesday released the following statement after the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) published its revised 10-year budget projections.   

“Today’s updated projections from CBO prove what we have been saying all along: the House Republican Farm Bill is unpaid-for, relying on magic math and wishful thinking. In exchange for blocking USDA’s ability to provide real time assistance to farmers through the CCC to address emerging challenges, House Republicans received only a small fraction of the $50 billion hole they need to fill to pay for their bill.  

“Our Rural Prosperity and Food Security Act is meaningful and responsible. And, importantly it does not fracture the farm and food coalition that is the foundation of every successful Farm Bill. I did the hard work of securing new resources outside of the Farm Bill through $2.3 billion invested in trade promotion and food aid and a $5 billion commitment in bipartisan offsets from my Leadership.   

“It’s time to get real and stop the posturing and the rhetoric. It’s time to negotiate in reality. My door is open.”  

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