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Chairwoman Stabenow Statement on Senate Republican’s Farm Bill Framework

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Debbie Stabenow (D-MI), Chairwoman of the Senate Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry Committee, Tuesday released the following statement after Ranking Member Boozman released the Senate Republican Farm Bill framework. 

“Ranking Member Boozman and I have had several conversations about getting our ideas on paper, so this is a welcome development.

“Now it is time to build upon the areas where we share common ground, of which there are many, and do the hard work of reaching a bipartisan compromise so we can finish our work.  

“Unfortunately, the framework follows the same flawed approach as Chairman Thompson’s proposal in the House and splits the broad Farm Bill coalition. It makes significant cuts to the family safety net that millions of Americans rely on and walks away from the progress we have made to address the climate crisis. Similar to the House, the framework also appears to propose spending far in excess of available funding.

“A strong Farm Bill is one where all farmers benefit – not just the largest farmers or a handful of commodities. The only path forward is to hold together the broad food and farm coalition that has always been the foundation of a successful Farm Bill. I look forward to working with Ranking Member Boozman and our partners in the House to finish our work by the end of the year.”

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