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Statement of Chairwoman Stabenow on Need to Pass a Farm Bill

WASHINGTON – On Wednesday, Chairwoman Debbie Stabenow (D-MI) released the following statement on new economic projections from the U.S. Department of Agriculture and the Congressional Budget Office and the urgency to pass a strong, bipartisan 2024 Farm Bill. 

“I am glad to see the family safety net is working. Nutrition spending in the SNAP program is decreasing as the economy improves, food prices stabilize, and fewer people need SNAP.

“But the broader trends make abundantly clear what I have been saying for months: If we are serious about passing a Farm Bill that keeps farmers farming, families fed, and rural communities strong, the time to act is now.

“Farming has always been one of the riskiest businesses there is, and that is why we need to invest in the tools that support all farmers and think creatively about new solutions that provide targeted and timely assistance to help them meet the emerging challenges they face.

“The 2018 Farm Bill is a strong foundation that we can build upon. It strengthened and expanded crop insurance, and the creative solutions we enacted will increase reference prices for 90% of program acres over the next few years under existing law.

“I have worked with the Administration to invest in new trade opportunities, and I have secured a commitment from Senate Democratic leadership to invest billions of dollars in new resources into the Farm Bill. If we act quickly, and begin serious, bipartisan negotiations, we have a real opportunity to invest in the safety net for farmers, families, and rural communities and provide farmers with the tools and choices they need.” 

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