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Roberts’ Repeated Requests to Hold MF Global Hearing Honored by Chairwoman; Request calling for Corzine to Testify before Ag Committee Also Honored

WASHINGTON, DC – U.S. Senator Pat Roberts (R-Kans.), ranking member of the Senate Agriculture Committee, today applauded Chairwoman Debbie Stabenow (D-Mich.) for honoring his repeated requests for a hearing solely examining the MF Global bankruptcy and for also responding to his calls asking for former MF Global CEO Jon Corzine to testify.

"As the former head of MF Global, Jon Corzine is the only one that can answer the most pressing questions regarding the firm's downfall and its continuing impact on thousands of Americans,” Senator Roberts said. “That is why I called for specific MF Global hearings and insisted that Mr. Corzine testify. I am pleased Chairwoman Stabenow has responded to both my request for a hearing and testimony from Mr. Corzine.

“It was clear to me that a previously planned hearing on Dodd-Frank implementation was not going to get answers for those that have been victims of the MF Global bankruptcy. This extraordinary and unprecedented set of events certainly merits special attention from our committee.”

On November 17, Sen. Roberts first requested a hearing focused solely on the collapse of MF Global. On November 21, he repeated his request for a MF Global hearing after it was discovered that the amount of missing funds grew to $1.2 billion. At that time he also called on Mr. Corzine to testify before the committee.

Sen. Roberts has been outspoken about the need to immediately return millions in frozen MF Global client funds, especially to farmers, ranchers and investors in Kansas and around the nation facing severe hardship. The Senate Agriculture Committee has jurisdiction over CFTC.
