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Chairman Roberts: “Farmers Want Trade Over Aid”

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senator Pat Roberts, R-Kan., Chairman of the Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry, appeared on PBS NewsHour to talk about agriculture trade and his meeting with President Trump.

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roberts news clip from PBS

From his post as both Chairman of the Agriculture Committee and as a senior member of the Finance Committee, which has jurisdiction on trade, Roberts has long been outspoken on the benefits of increased access to foreign markets for American farmers and ranchers – including dozens of conversations with President Trump, U.S. Trade Representative Bob Lighthizer, Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross, and other high-ranking officials in the Administration.

In February, Roberts and 24 other Senators sent a letter to President Trump calling for the Administration to reconsider entering an improved Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP).