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Chairman Roberts Welcomes Loeffler to Ag Committee

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senator Pat Roberts, R-Kan., Chairman of the Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry, today released an updated roster of Committee republicans, including new member Senator Kelly Loeffler from Georgia.

“I welcome our newest member of the Agriculture Committee, Senator Kelly Loeffler,” said Chairman Roberts. “Her farming roots make her a welcome addition to the Committee, and I look forward to her participation.”

Republican members of the Senate Agriculture Committee include:

Pat Roberts, Kansas

Mitch McConnell, Kentucky

John Boozman, Arkansas

John Hoeven, North Dakota

Joni Ernst, Iowa

Cindy Hyde-Smith, Mississippi

Mike Braun, Indiana

Chuck Grassley, Iowa

John Thune, South Dakota

Deb Fischer, Nebraska

Kelly Loeffler, Georgia

Senator Kelly Loeffler replaces Senator David Perdue on the Committee. 
